Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Concept: That we place on these fences Banners, Placards and Posters (for 4ft High Barbwire Fences) as Sian and I did on the Vyrnwy Estate, twice!

28 Oct 2011 ... Mudiad Tarian Glyndŵr campaigns against oppression of our people ... See
Vyrnwy Estate Community and Documents Presented By Knight . - 65k - 

After Mynydd y Betws 'occupation' we hope a great many patriots will have become 'STRYVELANDERS' and strive to establish 'STRYVELANDS' across our country. Not least on the English Crown Estates and next 'Big Time' particularly on the VYRNWY ESTATE, patriots we have unfinished busines there - North Eastern 'Stryvelanders' prepare to make of it this coming September STRYVELAND II - 2012. Sure it can be done, look to what we do and will achieve on 'Stryveland' Mynydd y Betws and be inspired!

2 days ago ... I don't follow the LOGIC here.. It is ALSO "OFFICIAL" that wind energy will replace
fossil fuels !! It is ALSO "OFFICIAL " that wind turbines look ... - 351k - Similar pages

Above Our Posters and Below example of BC Posters placed up by Russell Morris, a good example so where are the rest of you Patriots. I suggest you stop blogging and pack in fb for a day and get out on to a mountain near you to carry out similar 'Adfywiad Action' not least an and around the vast proposed Pen y Cymoedd Windmill, Crown Estate and Pumlumon  - Mynydd Hyddgen Windmill Plantations.

.....also use up some old Bed Sheets for the higher 8ft high Wire Fences fences and get really creative with murals similar to below. Further, ideas as this are scattered around my Anti - Windmill Campaign Blogs and in my facebook foto gallery.

Of course you may do your own designs being as creative as you wish, regards the larger murals you can do them in advance or on the day as a kind of creative exhibition. As this is a 'Welsh Fence Wall of Discontent' you may creativelly do your Adfywiad Agit - Prop Art not just on theme of Windmills as 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'. You could do murals on themes of Social, Economic and Cultural protest - Let this be as much an Anti - Colonial Protest Presentation add to the occaision of this with protest poetry and song and it could be of terrific Agit - Prop Impact not least if you place your Patriotic and Partisan Flags along the fences be it the Red Pitchfork or White Eagle or whatever. Relax about Political Divisions and think more of Unity and Solidarity in Struggle in an 



There must be 10 miles of fences around this Windmill Plantation some very accessible others not so, I have been up with Sian Ifan of Tarian Glyndwr placing up posters. So too as Russell Morris of Balchder Cymru but none others have bothered and that is in particular shameful of people and not least patriots who live on or around this Mountain Plateau or in area of Eginiog and present day Sir Gar. Sorry to say pathetic, not least those who talk of freeing Wales and cannot lift a finger in an attempt to Free Mynydd y Betws from the 'New Conquistadores' as the 'Stryvelanders' did during the long freedom fight there on Mynydd y Betws 1282 - 1334. If you wish to be a modern day 'Stryvelander' better make ready for some action at least as above maybe? Now as I said loads of fences, much difficult to get at and one needs to cross sometimes rough terrain, so to make it easy on the day in accessibility and for greater impact focus efforts at the 'HUB' at the entrence and around the fences of this their ''Rorkes Drift'':

Photo above is the 'Hub' taken from road close to Penlle'r Gaer, to match up it's entrance in photo below note the pylon.

 Photo Below: is of main entrance to the WMP on the Mynydd y Betws Road, the 'Hub' entrance is first from the viewing station whilst the entrance below is further on and passed Y Wuan. Remember on the 'Big Day' there will be a March from the Penlle'r Gaer Patriots Platform to the below to hold the 'Betws Barricade'. Note either side of this gate there are very accessible fences and on the right Southern side is easy walking along to the Red Gates, going through these one can reach the 'Trig' Remember Stryveland Struggle 1282 - 1334 Memorial

The 'Trig' Memorial, reached as described above note behind a WMP Foundation under construction see following photo for close up.

Easier way to reach the 'Trig' and the WMP Foundation is via Y Waun

If we can 'Mural' up these fences on the 9th that will be a job well done, work on such can begin as and when you wish but possibly better if after the two rallies. Note a penultimate programe will be published in this blog soon. Another idea, get cheap Wall Paper and make paper Fence banners roughly 2ft X 6ft. tape the top edges to fit in 'ties' to tie up this banner on the fences. On these Paper Banners you can pre paint or for effect spray can slogans on the day. Slogans as:






* ETC?

PS: I have been asked about parking on the Mountain, there is the viewing station, along Y Wuan other than that not much other than along side of the rather narrow mountain road. If having meals there is good parking space at the Scots Pine and perhaps the Renewables Robber Barons will not mind us parking at the entrances to the 'Hub' and main entrance, see photos above. Other than that consider Car Pools running out of Pontardawe and Ammanford, evening wise if wishing to go for drinks and meals other than at Scots Pine, down at Rhy y Fro there is the Travellers Rest and if taking road direct to Morriston you will come to the Masons Arms with a car park. Thought I would mention this now so you can all start consulting maps and thinking what best to do?

Not long down for what good be quite an historic day?

1 hour ago ... CYMRWCH Y TIR YN OL/TAKE BACK THE LAND. Campaigning Against an Old
Conquest and a New Conquest of Wales by Means of Cheque ... - 221k - Similar pages



Sunday, 20 May 2012




We are aware of some 'fools' doing all they can to undermine our efforts for most devious and selfish of reasons, we are are aware of those who argue that 'The Pen' alone will win the day, this is of course not the reality is it? Just how many Windmill Plantations has 'The Pen' stopped? Worse of all is that person who has stated that 'Stryveland' has been surrendered and so what is the point or rather points of carrying on. So please note our replies to such:

* Egotism Needs To Bury itself where it belongs underneath a Turbine perhaps?

* The Pen now really to be put in it's sheath a little while as well forget for moment cups of tea with politicians.

* Time to pick up the Pitchfork as in days gone by of popular protest.

Last but not least on matter of 'SURRENDER', what as in case of 'Mynydd y Betws' about which someone as stated ''Greedy Farmers'' sold out' or as in recent case of the 'Glyngorrwg Anti - Windmill Activists',  so it seemed to appear on Media anyway to also 'SURRENDER' to instead see what money they may get out of it? At end of the day just how many Campaigns after giving it their all, then exhausted and broke give up, roll over and 'SURRENDER'. I do not need a weatherman to tell me which way the wind will blow as far as the future is concerned unless we in Cymru/Wales make of this 'Windmill War' a National Wales/Welsh UNITED MOVEMENT AND STRUGGLE, full Stop! Now a decision must be made and the question answered what comes first Self Interest and maybe a little Self Advancement maybe?, As for that awfull 'Nimbyism' that some within your own ranks condemn, it really is time you 'SURRENDER' such and replaced it with NATIONAL INTEREST and yes that does mean a WALES NATIONAL INTEREST, just who amongst you think that not to be so?

The 'Welsh Windmill War' is at a cross roads, it can continue along a path that refuses to recognise this National Interest and prefers no WALES UNITY AND SOLIDARITY IN STRUGGLE or it makes the correct decision and right choice of being 'All For One and One For All'. Not least upon Mynydd y Betws on 9 June 2012, as for 'Saving Stryveland'. well it must be short sightedness by Anti - Windmill Campaigners if they cannot see what we are attempting. so I will make it more obvious:

A Warning that hence - We will not roll over and we will not Surrender, no matter how much money is offered as an 'inducement' to do so and, that is the problem I have with 'Nimbyism', it does sell out on occaision.


This one place now as the potential to unite the struggle, because of the history that goes with it and in this history Welsh Medieval Defenders of Dehuebarth, Powys and Gwynedd came to the defence of  Gogledd Gwyr/North Gower Mynydd y Betws and Mynydd y Gwair central to this. Thus given the amount of Windmill Plantations in these ancient Medieval Gwledydd and now also Morgannwg today as well regards Pen Y Cymoedd Proposals makes the proposed Wales/Welsh National Struggle Against The Windmilling of Wales now even more crucial to be established asap. Now, as many of you Anti - Windmill Campaigners are not so Politically up for it nor Nationalists, as I and many others are which does not stop us being highly critical of Plaid Cymru and a 'sell out' Cultural Nationalism that stupidly or otherwise, been bribed to support the 'Renewables Robber Barons'  and their 'Windmills of Mass Destruction of our Heritage in our Landscape. Whatever, we have provided your representatives, speakers and supporters with their own platform at the Mynydd y Betws 'Trig' not to be confused with the Patriots Platform over on the Frontier of Stryveland under the remains of Penlle'r Gaer. Your being part of the 'Betws Barticade' is your own decision to participate or not or if wished as we carry this out your supporters may be carrying out valuable publicity work by seeing to it that the Windmill Plantation Fences are almost totally covered with anti - Windmill posters, placards and banners as far as the eye can see in a great 'Mural of Discontent' along the fences of this Windmill Plantation - to make absolutly sure that WAG and the 'New Conquistadoes get the message in three points:

1: We Do Not Want Wales Covered in this Metal Blight.

2: Hence You are really going to have a fight of it - No More Messing About and Pussyfooting!

3: We Are Calling For A National Moratorium asap.

Other than this, I suggest to all Anti - Windmill Campaign Groups who do have some courage of a greater conviction to during the evening of 9th June 2012, hold a meeting to establish at very least, if not a National Movement/Campaign/Struggle as suggested to above. Then to at least set up a Wales National Liaision/Coordination Committee. a meeting could be held possibly either in the Scots Pine Public House on Mynydd y Betws or maybe in the Ammanford Social Club or where ever close by? Someone amongst you perhaps will organise such, this is something I cannot be involved in as I am already committed elsewhere but of course will support as and when I can as I and Sian have supported many of you over the years. So how about returning the favours taking note that this is a 11th Hour and a matter of when 'Push Comes To Shove', where do you stand? Well, it's up to you but do note that Posterity will remember!

Gethin ap Gruffydd. 

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Cymrwch y Tir Y Ol

 A 16th Century View Of The Land Grabbing Lords of the Land.

'Being oppressive and detestable;
scorning God and his commanments;
harrassing the weak for his land and welfare,
and behaving with abundant arrogance'.

Sion Brwynog who in 1597 wrote in reference to the 
Forest of Snowdon Controversy: 

'Trech Gwlad Nag Arglwydd'

(Adopted by Keir Hardie in his Aberdare/Merthyr 1900 Election Campaign.)

The Small Holders and landless Peasantry of Cwmwd Caeo made this their call in resistance to Gentry enclosues of their Common Land. the same Cwmwd Caeo where Gruffydd ap Rhys and his Young Wife Princes Gwenllian ferch Gruffydd ap Cynan with a small band of followers made their hide out from which to launch the great War of 1136 against then 'Anglo - Norman Robber Barons - the 'Conquistadores' of older times. The same Cwmwd Caeo of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd Fychan and sons who fought for freedom with Owain Glyndwr, Llywelyn being brutally executed in Llandovery Market Square for refusing to inform to the English King, the whereabouts of his sons. Let their sacrifices in struggles for Land and Liberty inspire us to continue the struggles of they and later generations of ‘People of the Pitcfork’ who fought against enclosures and later those farmers and Small Holders who fought in the great Tithe Wars 1886 – 88 for their Land Rights free of Economic Robbery by the Anglican Church of Anglo – Norman Conquest and Tudor Protestant Reformation.

Before these times, there was the  age of the medival Anglo – Norman Robber Barons war of conquest and Colonisation complete with ethnic cleansing and with it creation of an ‘Apartheid’ system of ‘Englishry’ and ‘Welshry’, created as a weapon of Social – Economic colonialism which made it possible for the ‘Conquistadoes’ and the settlers that came with them from England, Flanders and else where to seize  the best of our land whilst forcing the native Cymry into the margins of marsh and heathland of uplands as Mynydd y Betws  and Mynydd y Gwair as but two examples of many and much of our land still held by English Aristocrats as much made Possible by the Tudors who as example seized it to give to along with Mynydd y Gwair and many other parts of our land to their English Aristocrat favourites, many of whom still posses it as the Duke of Beaufort on Mynydd y Gwair. Ironically, it was Oliver Cromwell who delived it back to the Welsh but Charles II deliverd it back to  the English Lords and thence in part in recent times bought by Mynydd y Betws ‘Commoners’. In recent times along with other Common land that has been enclosed by the ‘New Conquistadores’ over running our land – the 'Windmill Masters' - Renewables Robber Barons.

Other than the ‘Old’ English Robber Barons, there is of course the English Crown itself who following the Conquest of 1282 – 84 made the greatest land grab of all – ‘Our Country’ , Completed by the Tudors in their 1536 Act of Annexation. Much of it is still in their hands in form of Crown Estates as recent one possessed being Swansea ‘Liberty’ Retail Park and of course the older English Crown Estates all over Cymru as at Mynyddoedd Neuadd Goch, Llys Dymper. Llanllwni and Llanfihangly Rhos-y-Corn . Where else, maybe part of historic Cefn Du ? Whatever, the English Crown aside there of course also the pressing matter of the Vyrnwy Estate and great sell off by Severn Trent to ? we have yet to be told for sure which makes of this unfinished business to be taken care orf this Mis Medi 2012 again by TARIAN GLYNDWR or mybe 'STRIVELAND CYMRU'. What else needs to concern us?

We recently attempted to luanch a petition for a Wales Land Act via WAG and found we could not and was given a verity of reasons so the reallity is we have a ‘Sham Senedd’ and so called devolved powers but we still do not own our own land or have powers over it. To this I can only say for all those who now cry for Independence to my mind this is meaningless and can only be real if we struggle for Land and Liberty and the first steps in that direction will be in as many Patriots and Welsh People far and wide signing the Wales Land Act Petition:

25 Apr 2012 ... Following the complete occupation of Wales by the Anglo Normans in 1282 - 4
and again, in the 1420's following the War of Independence led ... - 19k - Similar pages

That’s the easy bit as the next step gets tougher, if we not make struggle to reposses our land and put it in ownership of our people via native peoples; farmers, small holders and workers via means of long standing tradional rights and thence via community democracy and control. Then Independence and Freedom are meaningless words as are calling for a Welsh Republic, what a ‘Rainbow Republic’ of dreams and not any radical Reality born of a resurgent people seeking to readdress centuries of wrongs and finnish some unfinnished business. Such struggle will be launched ‘Jubille Jamboree’ week I – 7 June 2012 with the March Into The Mountains Initiative in association with an across Cymru poster protest campaign on the aforementioned English Crown Estates and conclude with the occupation of Mynydd y Betws – ‘Stryveland’ on 9th June 2012 also on 10th June 2012 the promotional pre launch of the Cymru y Tir Yn Ol ‘Land and Liberty sponsored ‘Land and Liberty’ ADFEDDIANT  – Wales Land act Campaign. Noting that the official Launch will be at a conference in Maenclochog on 14 July 2012 and during evening of the same day at evening time there will be a Land and Liberty – Wales Land Act Rally at the Waldo memorial for reasons of successful Resistance to land Grabbing of Preseli Mountains.

'He kept the Preslau from the Beast'.

To conclue poetically again:

Below couplet, written to remind of Rhyfel y Sais Bach 1826 and of Siaci Ifan y Gof, 
sounding his horn in a call to action of the time on Mynydd Bach:

Fe dwythwyrd yr udgorn
ar ben yr Hebryg Fawr
Dach mwy na mil o ddynion
ynghyd mewn hanner awr.
The horn was sounded on Hebryg Fawr.
More than a 1000 men came together
in half an hour.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

COP/COPY: I Grwpiau Gwrthwynebu Melinau Gwynt; For Anti Windmill Groups

Gweler y rhaglen atodol (yn Gymraeg a Saesneg) ar gyfer nifer o weithgareddau sydd i gymryd lle ar Fynydd y Betws, uwchben Rhydaman ar benwythnos yr 8fed - 10fed o Fehefin eleni.  Dyma wahoddiad swyddogol i’ch Grŵp i ddewis Siaradwr i’ch cynrychioli  fel grŵp yn “Rali Meddiannu’r Mynyddoedd’ Bydd y rali yma’n cymryd lle rhwng 2 - 3 o’r gloch yn y prynhawn ger y ‘pwynt trig’ ar Fynydd y Betws a Llwyfan fydd yr achlysur yma’n  bennaf ar gyfer ‘Ymgyrchwyr Gwrth - Melinau Gwynt’ felly,  rydym yn gobeithio’n fawr iawn wnewch dderbyn y gwahoddiad i ddewis Siaradwr i gymryd rhan.

Gobeithiem yn ogystal, y gwnewch ledaenu’r wybodaeth parthed y rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau i’ch aelodaeth a chefnogwyr ac y gwnewch eich gorau glas i’w perswadio i ddod i Fynydd y Betws yn ystod y penwythnos dan sylw - i wersylla ac i  gerdded y darn prydferth yma o’u hetifeddiaeth tir lluniol cyn iddi fynd yn rhy hwyr i wneud hynny ac, wrth gwrs, i fynychu a chymryd rhan yn y digwyddiadau fydd yn cymryd lle ar y Sadwrn. Mae gwir angen digonedd o sŵn ar gyfer yr ‘Orymdaith i’r Baricêd’ felly, os oes gennych offeryn, o unrhyw fath sy’n swnllyd, dewch a fo gyda chi ond does dim rheidrwydd ar neb i ddod i’r bariced symbolaidd a chymryd rhan, dewis yr unigolyn fydd hynny.

Gan fod amser wastad yn elyn wrth drefnu gweithgareddau o’r math yma, byddwn yn hynod o ddiolchgar petaech yn gallu ymateb i’r gwahoddiad cyn gynted a phosib er mwyn i ni allu cwblhau’r rhaglen. Diolch yn Fawr.

Yn ddiffuant

Sian Ifan.


Please see the attached provisional programme (in Welsh and English) for a number of events that are to take place on Mynydd y Betws (above Rhydamam) on the weekend of the 8 – 10th June this year. We would like to now officially invite you to select a speaker from your Anti Windmill Group to come and speak at the temporary 'Remember Stryveland Struggle 1282 - 1334' Memorial staged at the 'Trig' on Mynydd y Betws. This rally will be take place between 2 - 3:00pm and will  provide a platform, in the main for speakers representing Anti - Windmill Campaigns/Groups and Societies who are opposed to the Windmills of Mass Destruction devastating our heritage in the landscape.

 This will be a non polical platform and speeches will be confined to such that oppose the Tan 8 Terror. It will provide an opportunity for each group to inform on their local campaigns and winning support for such; so, we do hope that you will accept this invitation.

We also hope that you will inform your members and supporters of the event and actively encourage them to come to Mynydd y Betws on the dates given to camp and walk and to get to know this beautiful area of their ancestral landscape - before it gets too late to do so and, of course, to attend the events taking place on Saturday the 9th. We need plenty of ‘noise’ for the ‘March to the Barricade’ so, if you have any instrument – the noisier the better…bring it.

Note. It is entirely up to the individual if they wish, or not, to participate in the symbolic barricade.

As time is always the enemy in organising such events, I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to this invitation asap so that we can finalise the programme. Diolch yn fawr.

Thanking you sincerely

Siân Ifan

Ar ran/On behalf of the ‘Cymrwch y Tir yn ôl Initiative’

Mwy o wybodaeth ar/More Info on the Cymru’n Codi blog

Friday, 11 May 2012

COPI/COPY: Ar gyfer Mudiadau/Cymdeithasau/Grwpiau Gwlatgarol.

Gweler y rhaglen atodol (yn Gymraeg a Saesneg) ar gyfer nifer o weithgareddau sydd i gymryd lle ar Fynydd y Betws, uwchben Rhydaman ar benwythnos yr 8fed - 10fed o Fehefin eleni. Hoffem eich gwahodd fel Mudiad/Cymdeithas neu grŵp i ddewis Siaradwr i gynrychioli eich Mudiad/Cymdeithas/Grŵp yn “Rali Achub Stryveland’ ar y groesffordd wrth droed Penlle’r Gaer ar Fynydd y Betws. Bydd y rali yma’n cymryd lle rhwng 2 - 3 o’r gloch yn y prynhawn a rali ‘bocs sebon’ fydd hi ar y cyfan, gyda’r cyfle i unrhyw wladgarwr godi ar ei draed i ‘ddweud ei ddweud’.

Dilynir yr areithiau yma gyda gorymdaith i ddilyniant ‘miwsig bras’ i fynedfa Gweithle’r Melinau Gwynt ar gyfer cynnal ‘Baricêd y Betws’. Dewch ac unrhyw offeryn sydd yn eich meddiant…drwm, cyrn gwlad, pibellau, ffliwt neu, dim ond eich llais hyd yn oed, i gyfrannu i’r ‘miwsig bras’ wrth orymdeithio i’r baricêd.

Gweithred symbolaidd fydd y baricêd ac yma ceir areithiau ffurfiol gan gynrychiolwyr rhai o’r Cymdeithasau a Mudiadau Gwladgarol fydd yno’n cymryd rhan. Dyma le fydd y Prif Siaradwyr (fel eich cynrychiolydd chi) yn rydym yn gobeithio’n fawr iawn wnewch dderbyn y gwahoddiad i ddewis Siaradwr i gymryd rhan.

Gobeithiem yn ogystal, y gwnewch ledaenu’r wybodaeth parthed y rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau i’ch aelodaeth a chefnogwyr ac y gwnewch eich gorau glas i’w perswadio i ddod i Fynydd y Betws yn ystod y penwythnos dan sylw - i wersylla ac i  gerdded y darn prydferth yma o’u hetifeddiaeth tir lluniol cyn iddi fynd yn rhy hwyr i wneud hynny ac, wrth gwrs, i fynychu a chymryd rhan yn y digwyddiadau fydd yn cymryd lle ar y Sadwrn. Mae gwir angen digonedd o sŵn ar gyfer yr ‘Orymdaith i’r Baricêd’ felly, os oes gennych offeryn, o unrhyw fath sy’n swnllyd, dewch a fo gyd chi.

Gan fod amser wastad yn elyn wrth drefnu gweithgareddau o’r math yma, byddwn yn hynod o ddiolchgar petaech yn gallu ymateb i’r gwahoddiad cyn gynted a phosib er mwyn i ni allu cwblhau’r rhaglen. Diolch yn Fawr.

Yn ddiffuant

Sian Ifan.

Please see the attached provisional programme (in Welsh and English) for a number of events that are to take place on Mynydd y Betws (above Rhydamam) on the weekend of the 8 – 10th June this year. We would like to invite you to select a speaker from your Movement/Society/Group to come and speak, on your Movement/Society/Group’s behalf, at the 'Save Stryveland' Rally which is to be held at the foot of Penlle'r Gaer, on Mynydd y Betws. This rally will be take place between 2 - 3:00pm and will provide a a 'Soap Box Nation' platform which will make it possible for any and all Patriots to 'Vent a Mythology' as in Medieval times, being as patriotically and politically radical as they wish. Such will be followed by a 'Rough Music' march to the main entrance of the Windmill Workings on Mynydd y Betws for the 'Betws Barricade', a symbolic event at which more formal speeches will be made by representatives of Patriotic Societies attending. This is where your chosen speaker will speak so, we do hope that you will accept this invitation.

We also hope that you will inform your members and supporters of the event and actively encourage them to come to Mynydd y Betws on the dates given to camp and walk and to get to know this beautiful area of their ancestral landscape - before it gets too late to do so and, of course, to attend the events taking place on Saturday the 9th. We need plenty of ‘noise’ for the ‘March to the Barricade’ so, if you have any instrument – the noisier the better…bring it.

As time is always the enemy in organising such events, I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to this invitation asap so that we can finalise the programme. Diolch yn fawr.

Thanking you sincerely

Siân Ifan

Ar ran/On behalf of the ‘Cymrwch y Tir yn ôl Initiative’

Mwy o wybodaeth ar/More Info on the Cymru’n Codi blog

Thursday, 10 May 2012



Gan fod ein cenedl yn prysur gael ei rheibio unwaith eto, y tro yma gan Feistri Melinau Gwynt cyfalafol ysglyfaethus, mae’r blog ‘Cymru’n Codi’, fel rhan o’r ymgyrch ‘Cymryd Ein Tir Yn Ôl’, wrthi’n hyrwyddo gweithgaredd o’r enw ‘Gorymdeithio i’r Mynyddoedd’ sydd i gymryd lle yn ystod wythnos gyntaf (1 - 7) mis Mehefin eleni. Anogir unigolion a theuluoedd mewn cymunedau drwy Gymru benbaladr i gerdded a gwersylla yn y mynyddoedd ar diroedd sydd wedi eu meddiannu gan Coron Lloegr, a barwniaid rheibus eraill, yn ogystal ag ar diroedd a adnabyddir fel Tiroedd Comin. Pam? Oherwydd bwriedir gosod cannoedd o’r melinau gwynt mwyaf a dianghenraid a’r tiroedd o’r math yng Nghymru yn ystod y blynyddoedd sydd i ddod, a  bwriedir i’r gweithgareddau a anogir fel ‘gweithgareddau cymunedol ar gyfer wythnos gyntaf mis Mehefin fod yn lansiad ar gyfer ‘Ymgyrch Cenedlaethol’ i ‘Gymryd y Tir yn ôl’.

Dilynir y gweithgareddau cymunedol yma gydag achlysur cenedlaethol sef “Meddiannu’r Mynyddoedd” a fydd yn cymryd lle ar Fynydd y Betws, Sir Gaerfyrddin rhwng yr 8fed a’r 10fed o Fehefin. Eto, gellir gwersylla a dod i adnabod y mynydd (cyn i’r Barwniaid Melinau Gwynt rheibus osod eu melinau ar y tir treftadol holl bwysig yma.  Maent wedi cychwyn ar y gwaith yn barod!)

Ar wahân i’r cyfle i gerdded a gwersylla, cynhelir y prif weithgareddau ar ddydd Sadwrn y 9fed o Fehefin lle cynhelir dau weithgaredd gwahanol yn ystod y dydd - fel a ganlyn:

*2 -3pm. Ymgynulliad ‘anwleidyddol’ ger y ‘pwynt trig’ ar Fynydd y Betws (mae’n eithaf agos i’r ffordd) Platform fydd yr achlysur yma ar gyfer ‘Ymgyrchwyr Gwrth - Melinau Gwynt’ yn bennaf ac fe estynnir gwahoddiad drwy’r ddogfen yma nawr, ac yn y fan a’r lle, i bob un ‘Grŵp Gwrth Melinau Gwynt’ drwy Gymru benbaladr, i  ddewis cynrychiolydd i siarad ar eu rhan yn yr Ymgynulliad yma ar Fynydd y Betws. Mae croeso i unrhyw grŵp sydd am enwebu cynrychiolydd,  gysylltu â fi ar : 01792 533806 neu <>

Wedi’r areithiau ger y ‘pwynt trig, cerddir heibio ffensys ffin ogleddol Gweithle’r Fferm Wynt nes cyrraedd y groesffordd wrth droed Penlle’r Gaer. Bydd ‘Croes Ysbryd Cofiwn’ wedi ei gosod yma’n flaen llaw, a gellir gosod teyrngedau o flodau ger y groes er cof am y Cymry a frwydrodd hyd angau wrth amddiffyn Mynydd y Betws neu, ‘Stryveland’ fel bu i’r mynydd gael ei enwi yn y cyfnod 1282 - 1334.

Yn ogystal - ac ar yr un pryd:

2-3pm. Cynhelir Rali Gwleidyddol - Gwladgarol “Rali Achub Stryveland’ ar y groesffordd wrth droed Penlle’r Gaer. Rali ‘bocs sebon’ fydd hon gyda’r cyfle i unrhyw wladgarwr godi ar ei draed i ‘ddweud ei ddweud’.  Dilynir yr areithiau yma gyda gorymdaith i ddilyniant ‘miwsig bras’ i fynedfa Gweithle’r Melinau Gwynt ar gyfer cynnal ‘Baricêd y Betws’. Dewch ac unrhyw offeryn sydd yn eich meddiant…drwm, cyrn gwlad, pibellau, ffliwt neu, dim ond eich llais hyd yn oed, i gyfrannu i’r ‘miwsig bras’ wrth orymdeithio i’r baricêd.

Gweithred symbolaidd fydd y baricêd ac yma ceir areithiau ffurfiol gan gynrychiolwyr rhai o’r Cymdeithasau a Mudiadau Gwladgarol fydd yno’n cymryd rhan.

Os am siarad yn ystod y gweithgaredd yma, cysylltwch â Gethin ap Iestyn Gruffydd yn: <>

Dilynir ‘Baricêd y Betws’ â gorymdaith fer o gwmpas ffensys deheuol y Gweithle ac i safle ‘pwynt y trig’.
Gyda’r nos. Gobeithir cynnal ‘Noson Gymdeithasol’. Manylion llawn am hyn maes o law, ond yn y cyfamser, os oes yna gerddorion, cantorion a beirdd gwladgarol am gyfrannu eu doniau i’r noson, yn rhad ac am ddim - fel ac arferid ei wneud yn naturiol ac yn rheolaidd yn ein cymunedau Cymreig yn yr hen ddyddiau, cysylltwch â ni i gynnig eich gwasanaeth. Diolch yn fawr.
*Ynglŷn â’r Rhaglen Uchod>  Gosodir ffilm fer yn dangos yn union ble mae’r safleoedd a nodir uchod - a sut i’w cyrraedd ar y blog ‘Cymru’n Codi’ yn ogystal ag ar ‘facebook’ cyn bo hir. Gwyliwch y gwagle!

Dewch a rubanau du ynghyd â chroesau wedi eu gwneud o bren ac wedi eu peintio’n goch a melyn i osod ar y ffensys - er cof am y Cymry a frwydrodd hyd angau ar Fynydd y Betws wrth iddynt wrthsefyll gorthrwm yr Eingl - Normaniaid yn eu herbyn wedi 1282 wrth iddyn nhw fynd ati i feddiannu’r tir. Ond, fe frwydrodd y Cymry’n ôl yn erbyn pob caledi ac anhawster ac “enillwyd y tir yn ôl” gyda dymchwel castell Pentre’r Gaer yn 1334!

‘Cymru'n Codi 2012’ has proposed a 'March Into The Mountain Initiative' for the first week of June 1 - 7, this will followed by a National 'Occupy The Mountains' event on Mynydd y Betws over 8 - 10 June with main events taking place on Saturday 9th June as part of a continuing campaign to 'Save Stryveland' from another 'Great Beast*'. This time the 'New Conquistadores' aka 'Renewables Robber Barons' seeking to make of our Country 'CORPORATE COLONY CYMRU'. The Events of Saturday 9th June 2012 will, in the main, take the form of two separate gatherings, this being so,to meet a number of requests made - which organisers are happy to comply with for the purpose of overall maximum unity and solidarity in struggle.Thus, there will be as follows:

* 2 - 3:00pm. A Non - Political gathering at the Mynydd y Betws 'Trig' to provide a platform for Anti - Windmill Campaigners; All Anti – Windmill groups based in Cymru are invited to appoint a representative to speak at this public gathering, please contact myself if wishing to do so. The Gathering will be followed by a walk to the Northern Fences of the Windmill Plantation (which will be crossed via a 'Red Gate' provided) continuing on to the foot of Penlle’r Gaer where floral tributes may be placed at the pre placed ‘Ysbryd Cofiwn 'Remembrance Cross' in memory of all the Cymry who fought and died in defence of Mynydd y Betws aka 'Stryveland' 1282 - 1334.

2 - 3:00pm. A second but Political Platform - Patriotic Gathering will be organised as the 'Save Stryveland' Rally at foot of Penlle'r Gaer, at which the above aforementioned 'Remembrance Cross' will be raised, and a 'Soap Box Nation' will make it possible for any and all Patriots to 'Vent a Mythology' as in Medieval times, being as patriotically and politically radical as they wish. Such will be followed by a 'Rough Music' march to the main entrance of the Windmill Workings on Mynydd y Betws for the 'Betws Barricade', a symbolic event at which more formal speeches will be made by representatives of Patriotic Societies attending, if wishing to speak at this event contact Gethin Gruffydd at gethin.apgruffydd@ntlworld.comThe 'Betws Barricade' will be followed by a walk along the Southern Fences, passing through a 'red gate' and proceeding to the 'Trig' on Mynydd y Betws.

Re above programme.

A film of meeting venues mentioned above along with possible camping places on the mountain will be posted on to the ‘Cymru’n Codi’ blog and facebook in due course along with THE final programme.

NB: All attending the above events may begin to arrive at the Mynydd y Betws Viewing Station as soon as they wish but noting, that as from 1:30pm, attendees should make their way to the gathering/platform places for their 2 - 3:00pm events. Possibly all will be returning to the viewing station between 5 - 6:00pm. Organisers have requested that those patriotic musicians, singers and poets who would like to contribute to a Mountain GwerinOwain Free Festival' could do so at the Viewing Station prior to the later Afternoon events and activities and a more formal 'Social' (hopefully) will beorganised for the evening.  Venue and full details re Evening Social will be confirmed at a later date. In the meantime, Anyone up to contributing music wise, do contact Siân Ifan at


Bring Black Ribbons and bunches of Ivy and small Red & Yellow Crosses made of wood or cardboard to hang on the fences in memory of Y Cymry who fought and died on Mynydd y Betws resisting Anglo - Norman aggression pitted against them post 1282 in order to drive them off this, their land, which became free again in 1334 with the destruction of the castle of Penlle'r Gaer.

Yn Ffyddlon.

Gethin ap 'Iestyn' Gruffydd